Horse Shows

Looking for friendly competition and encouragement in your horsemanship? This show is for you! Classes are suited for any rider from beginner to advanced in respective age groups.

Open registration is the day of the event in the Indoor Arena. Costs include a small Grounds Fee of $5/horse and an Entry Fee of $5/class. Helmets are required for participants under 18. Concessions and bleacher seating are available. 

Upcoming Dates:


Fuzzy Horse and Pony Show (March 22) - Indoor opens at 8:30 a.m. for warm up; show starts at 10 a.m. 
Sunday Afternoon Fun Show (May 4) - Indoor opens at 11:30 a.m. for warm up; show starts at 1:30 p.m.

Classes (subject to change):
Walk/Trot Participants may not show in canter/lope classes

Phone Numbers:
Phone: 937-593-8000


Office Hours:
Closed Monday
9:00-5:00PM Tuesday-Saturday
1:00-5:00PM Sunday
Stable hours:
Stable hours vary by season, Please click Book Now for details
Closed Monday & Wednesday
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