MVF Jobs
Volunteer Service Opportunities - Learn to be a volunteer trail guide or use your skills in other areas where volunteer help is utilized.
Part-time Jobs - Occasionally we have part-time service positions open. Trail guides, program instructors, and food service positions.
Full-time Jobs - Once in a while a career position becomes available at Marmon Valley. Please call the office for information.
Part-Time and Volunteer Application
Use this application to apply for a part-time or volunteer position at Marmon Valley Farm. Includes: trail guides, instructors, food service, etc. If you require a paper application, please email info@marmonvalley.com or call 937-593-8000.
If you are interested in helping with Country Christmas please contact the office thanks (937)-593-8000.
- Office Hours:
Closed Monday
9:00-5:00PM Tuesday-Saturday
1:00-5:00PM Sunday
- Stable hours:
Stable hours vary by season, Please click Book Now for details
Closed Monday & Wednesday